Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environment
An experiment to assess the response of northern peatland ecosystems to increases in temperature and exposures to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
SPRUCE, one of the world’s largest peatland warming experiments, is located in a forested bog at the southern boundary of the boreal region . Ten large open-top enclosures, 12.8-m wide and reaching to 7 m in height, were used to explore the effects of whole ecosystem warming (above- and belowground) on peatland ecological and biogeochemical processes. Five enclosures spanned a range of warming from +0, +2.25, +4.5, +6.75, to +9°C, while another five enclosures spanned the same range of warming and were also exposed to elevated [CO2] (+500 ppm above ambient). Belowground peat warming began in 2014, aboveground air-warming began in 2015, and elevated [CO2] treatments began in 2016.